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Linux Utilities
This page has utilities, size varying from
137Kb to 4.49Kb

GnoSamba 0.3.3(137Kb)
GnoSamba is a GUI tool for the Configuration of the Samba, the
SMB file server on X11/Unix. It will read, edit and write/etc/smb.conf,
an alternate configuration file, or from a network. It requires the Gnome
Libraries to run.
Install-Sendmail (55.1Kb)
It is a perl script which will configure sendmail and fetchmail on
your system. Was written by Donncha O Caoimh,
wmCube 0.95(21.5Kb)
wmCube is a dockapp that displays a realtime rotating 3d-object and
the current CPU load. The rotation speed of the object is relative to the
CPU load. You can zoom in and out by clicking on the app. As of version
0.95 you can design your own object or use one of the objects that come
with the source-file.
Source: http://boombox.campus.luth.se/projects/
gpasman 1.2.0(67.5Kb)
People working with the internet have to remember lots of passwords.
With Gpasman, a GTK password managing program, you now need to remember
only the master password.
Source: http://gpasman.nl.linux.org/
A program to retrieve all (almost :)) messages from a www.hotmail.com
HotPop is written by:
Rohit Jalan

I donot ensure that this software is free of bugs or
any other problems.
Except that I used these and they were good.
Iinstall and use at your own risk.
All S/W are under GPL licence